Goodbye FAO Schwarz! After nearly 150 years of service, including 30 years on the Fifth Avenue, the famous toy store closes today its legendary location at 767 Fifth Avenue, on Grand Army Plaza, next to the Apple Store Fifth Avenue.
Toys ‘R’ Us, owner of FAO Schwarz since 2009, explains this decision by exorbitant rents in the neighborhood. Toys ‘R’ Us has also announced the closure of its flagship store on Times Square, again for a rent issue.
153 years of history
On the window of FAO Schwarz, a panel acts as goodbye. “Let us not forget that during 153 years of history, FAO Schwarz has installed in many locations in Manhattan”, recalls the poster, “We are waiting to welcome you to the sound of our Big Piano in our new location. We will announce when and where as quickly as we can. ”
While everybody is waiting for FAO Schwarz new New York address, here is a video of the famous Big Piano, one of the main attractions in the store:
Video: Big Piano at Fao Schwarz