New York New York Shopping Guide City tours
City tours
To get a complete overview of New York City, book your city tours ! This is the opportunity to combine several different means of transport: bike, helicopter, tourist bus, private limousine or jet ski.

Franks Bike Shop
Rent a bike and enjoy the Big Apple ! Franks Bike Shop carries different kind of bikes. A peaceful and pleasant way to discover New York. And if you liked your tour, you can buy your bike !
Helicopter Tours in New York City
All aboard for a fantastic bird’s-eye view of the magic isle of Manhattan ! Experience the beauty of Central Park, the Hudson River, the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor. Marvel at the splendor the Empire State building and the World Financial Center.
Hop-on Hop-off Tour
Le Hop-on Hop-off Tour déploie à New York ses propres lignes de bus avec des parcours parfaitement étudiés pour ne pas manquer un seul lieu touristique. Au total, 4 lignes sont mises en place : Downtown, Uptown, Brookyn et une ligne de nuit. Pratique pour tout voir sans perdre de temps dans les transports en commun classiques.
New York City Jetski
Here is a new way to visit New York City : ride your own Jet Ski ! You won’t ride around in circles: New York City Jetski proposes several tours in New York City Harbor, so you will see the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Manhattan skyline and the Empire State building. You will also pass under the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge ! You will ride a Kawasaki 15F Jet Ski, with a top speed of 60 MPH. Enjoy your ride !